While formal gardens thrive on order and well-defined spaces, cottage gardens bubble in cheerful tangles of flowers that form a kaleidoscope of hue and texture. Cottage gardens are the perfect low-maintenance garden design. #gardening #gardendesign #cottagegarden #easycottagegarden #bhg

While formal gardens thrive on order and well-defined spaces, cottage gardens bubble in cheerful tangles of flowers that form a kaleidoscope of hue and texture. Cottage gardens are the perfect low-maintenance garden design. #gardening #gardendesign #cottagegarden #easycottagegarden #bhg ...le if it is cut down, and in any case dies down in winter. It really doesn't earn its keep where interest needs to be maintained throughout the year w...rennials that tower over the children's heads, with paths winding through can be magical, as can very small plants. Conkers, acorns or cobnuts to coll #backyardlivingplans.com #garden-design #gardening

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